was
a
meeting
with
a
large
number
of
people.
At
first
the
speaker
was
very
interesting,
but
as
time
went
on,
he
became
very
boring.
Finally
when
he
was
through,
there
was
only
one
man
sitting
in
the
large
room.
The
speaker
walked
up
to
the
man
and
said,
"Thank
you
for
hearing
me
out
when
all
the
others
left
the
room."
"Oh!
Don't
mention
it!"
replied
the
man,
"I
cannot
leave
because
am
the
next
speaker."
意思是:有壹次又壹個很多人參加的會議,壹開始演說的人講的很有趣,但沒過壹會就變得很無聊。等到他終於講完了,屋子裏只剩下唯壹壹個人了,演講的人走上去說道:謝謝妳在別人都走掉時還能聽完我的講話。
“別客氣,我不能走是因為我就是下壹個要發言的人。”